article Benefits of Bison

Last week, we were very excited to add grass-fed ground bison to our offerings. Bison not only tastes delicious but it has also has nutritional benefits you might now know about.

Benefits of Bison:

  • Rich, sweet flavor
  • Low saturated fat content
  • Lower in calories in comparison to other meats
  • Complete source of all 20 amino acids that a human body needs
  • Contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which has anti-inflammatory properties
  • No carbohydrates or fiber
  • A 4 ounce serving provides 17 grams of protein
  • Rich source of B vitamins
  • Higher amounts of micronutrients like vitamin B12, zinc, iron, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids

Bison meat is leaner than other red meats, which makes it easy to overcook. If possible, use a meat thermometer and cook to the internal temperature of 160°F. The strategy is to cook low and slow. Check out these great recipes from Ruhter Bison!

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