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In The News + Lower Chicken Prices
The sun’s out, spring is here, and honestly — despite the chaos — we’re feeling pretty hopeful. A big part of that is yo...
Fresh Flour, Hearty Oats & Free Broth Bones!
This week, we’re spotlighting **Janie’s Mill’s** incredible stone-milled grains, offering **FREE broth bones**, and invi...
Building a Local Food System That Lasts
Early on in our journey as farmers, I found it interesting that whenever you get a group of farmers in a room, the conve...
This Week: Special Pricing on Grass-Finished Steaks!
First off, **thank you** for your continued support. We know these past few months have been anything but ordinary—from...
A Perfect Storm: Bird Flu, Budget Cuts, and Finding a Way Forward
Last October, the State of Illinois notified us that we were awarded a $200,000 grant to remodel an old pole barn into a...
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Homemade Corned Beef! 🍀
I can't believe it, but St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner! The last couple years we have been making homemad...
Building a Better Food System (And how ‘bout some Drumsticks?) 🍗
Hope you survived the bitter cold! Hopefully that’s behind us now! 🤞First off, a huge **thank you** for sticking with...
Kakadoodle Update and Adorable Furballs!
It has felt great to get back up and running with deliveries! We had a really nice bump in purchases our first week back...
Egg Rationing and a New YouTube Video
First of all, we're so happy to announce that as of last week, our deliveries have resumed! Your support during our reco...
Why Bird Flu is Emptying Grocery Shelves—And What We Can Do About It
Bird flu is [all over the news again](, and if you’ve been to the grocery s...
Egg Rationing & New Partnerships
As many of you know, we recently lost our flock to the bird flu. While this has been a difficult challenge, it has also...
Gratitude, Growth & Fresh Beginnings at Kakadoodle
First of all... we are so moved by the overwhelming support and kind words from all of you. Your encouragement has been...
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