article Important Message from Kakadoodle

Our farm stand is under quarantine and will be closed until June 1st.
This week our chickens started dying without any symptoms. We were in communication with a vet, who assured us that it was very likely the freezing temps. But USDA just confirmed last night that it was the bird flu.
This means that we will loose our entire flock.
Ever since Marty survived cancer, we've poured everything we have into Kakadoodle. With God, will survive this as well.
But Kakadoodle is still a fragile startup. Financially and otherwise. And we need your support now more than ever. Please continue to purchase through Kakadoodle, and fill those carts! Do your grocery shopping with us. Meats, greens, dairy. You have no idea the impact this has for us and our partner farms. This is the best way to support us through this time.
We will very likely not have deliveries, and certainly not eggs, next week as we safely move forward. However, It’s always been the plan to support other chicken farmers through Kakadoodle. This event is going to kick start that ambition, so eggs will eventually return.
Strangely enough, Last week, at church, our pastor said - When bad things happen, you can either ask "why me," or "what’s next.” We’re asking what’s next.
If you feel like you'd like to support financially, we do have a GoFundMe page up.
Thank you for your continued support.