article Local Farmer's Market

As Kakadoodle continues to grow, so do our community efforts. We are so excited to have our very own booth at the awesome Frankfort Country Market each Sunday! This particular farmer’s market is one that we enjoyed for years as a family, even before we bought our own farm. It is a great experience where you will genuinely feel the sense of community all while supporting local family businesses with really great food.

We love that we are basically a farmer’s market that delivers to your door. On top of the rush you get when you see that yellow bag sitting on your doorstep, here are some reasons why buying local food can be better than purchasing food from a grocery store:

  1. Freshness: Local food is often fresher than grocery store food because it does not have to travel as far to reach the consumer. This means that the food is picked at peak ripeness and flavor, rather than being harvested early to withstand a long journey.
  2. Nutritional value: Freshly harvested local produce often retains more of its nutritional value than produce that has been shipped from distant locations. This is because vitamins and minerals can begin to degrade during transport and storage.
  3. Supporting local farmers: By buying local food, you are supporting the local economy and helping to sustain small family farms. This can help preserve farmland and rural communities, and it also reduces the carbon footprint associated with transporting food long distances.
  4. Environmental impact: Local food production and distribution can have a smaller environmental impact than large-scale industrial agriculture and long-distance transportation. Local farms may use fewer pesticides and fertilizers, and they may employ sustainable farming practices that reduce water usage and soil erosion.
  5. Flavor and variety: Local food can offer a wider variety of flavors and unique regional specialties that may not be available in grocery stores. By buying from local farmers, you can also help preserve the genetic diversity of crops and animal breeds.

Overall, buying local food supports the local economy, preserves farmland, and can offer fresher, more nutritious, and more flavorful food with a smaller environmental impact than food that is shipped long distances.

We are proud to have our booth among other local farmers and food vendors. If you’re visiting the Country Market in downtown Frankfort, stop by our booth and say “hi!” We will have plenty of pasture raised eggs on hand if you’re already run out this week 😉

Hey there! 👋 I'm MariKate. Thanks for stopping by! How can I help?
Sorry, I'm probably out chasing chickens around! 🐔🏃‍💨
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