article Prepare for the season

With cold and flu season upon us, it is time to start that viral fermented honey garlic that has been shared all over social media. The healing properties of these two powerhouses together fight against bacterial and viral infections, plus the honey is soothing to the throat. Simply place peeled garlic cloves in a mason jar and fill with our local honey. Seal the jar and burp every other day. In about 4-6 weeks you will have a great remedy to protect you and your family.

It is also a great time to start making your own chicken stock using the Premium Pasture Raised, Non GMO Chicken. You can make a meal first by roasted the chicken and then using the carcass to make your own bone broth. Not only is it more resourceful, but also saves you money.

We also have beef soup bones, carrots, shallots, onions and sun-dried mushrooms to add flavors to your broths.

Another way to make someone feel better if they're feeling sick is to surprise them with a beautiful Seasonal Harvest Bouquet. The outdoor growing season won't last much longer so add these beauties while you still can.

Have a great week and stay healthy!

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