article Kakadoodle vs. Grocery Eggs

Once you have experienced Kakadoodle eggs, you know why they are the highest quality of eggs that you can consume. In case you need some reminders, here is what makes our eggs better than the grocery store eggs...

Appearance When crack open that first pasture-raised chicken egg, you will immediately notice a difference in the color of the yolk. The yolk of our eggs will be a deeper golden hue in comparison to the neon yellow yolk of the grocery store eggs. This is due to the natural grasses and greens the pasture-raised chickens are eating. This results in more nutrients for you.

Taste Just like everything else that is farm fresh, it just tastes better. You will notice a more rich and flavorful taste than the grocery store eggs. This is also because our chickens have a healthier diet and lifestyle than those who are confined to cages. It will elevate all of your meals that incorporate eggs, especially those with a runny yolk :)

Nutrition Our Kakadoodle chickens freely roam around the farm and graze naturally. They are less stressed and have a more nutritious diet than the eggs that come from the grocery store. This results in more vitamins, more omega-3, more beta carotene ad less cholesterol and saturated fat than the others. More details can be found here.

Life We love our chickens and work to provide them a happy life. Knowing that you food not only comes from a humane environment, but an actual loving and happy one makes all the difference.

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