article What Makes A2 Milk Special?

For anyone who has experienced digestive issues from drinking milk, Kakadoodle may have a solution for you. Studies have shown that people who have difficulty digesting milk may have less trouble when drinking A2 milk over conventional milk.

The primary protein in a cow’s milk is beta casein, which can be present in one of two forms. The two forms are A1 and A2, and most cows produce both. This means the milk you buy in the grocery store probably has both A1 an A2 forms of beta casein.

Before dairy cattle were domesticated, they only produced the A2 form, which was easier for people to digest. As the industry grew, a genetic mutation occurred that caused them to also produce the A1 form of beta casein and eventually became the standard. Unfortunately about 25% of the Western population experiences some sort of digestive distress and it has been linked to the A1 form. This means drinking specific A2 milk may be the solution to your issues! (If you have a diagnosed milk allergy, you should still avoid A2 milk.)

There are other documented benefits of drinking A2 milk such as keeping your blood pressure healthy, giving you a Vitamin D boost, and strengthening your bones and immune system! Since the concept of breeding A2 cows is fairly newer concept with a higher focus in nutrition, there are more studies in the works exploring its positive relationship to decrease heart disease, diabetes, eczema, ADHD and autism.

Luckily, Kakadoodle has been able to find two new partners who raise and milk A2 cows! We are now offering A2 Cow Milk from Old Heritage Creamery and cheddar cheese made with A2 milk from Nordic Creamery.

Let us know what other benefits you notice from switching to A2 milk products!

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